We are helping you simplify work remotely in a time of crisis. Triofox facilitates remote access to company file servers for your mobile workforce.
Do you have employees working remotely for an extended period, and how do they access company files? Are you satisfied with VPN (Virtual Private Network), or are you looking for something better?
Do your remote employees demand OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox-style access to company files because mobile access is handy for them?
Do your employees email important documents to themselves just because it's easier to access? Or do they use something like personal Dropbox to transfer files between the corporate network and remote locations?
For CIOs, working remotely before 2020 is nothing new. What is unique is that the COVID pandemics have made continuous remote working a permanent standard business practice. With sporadic remote working, the business can tolerate less than optimal efficiency and effectiveness because only a small number of employees are affected. However, when every employee is working from home, CIOs are looking for a better way to keep employees motivated, empowered with productivity tools, and protect corporate data.
At Gladinet, the health and well-being of our partners, customers, employees, and communities is our top priority. We understand the concern and uncertainty you feel related to coronavirus (COVID -19). We are committed to addressing the needs of our partners and customers as the situation evolves.
We are definitely seeing more interest in faster ways to facilitate working from home use cases without compromising data privacy, security, or compliance. We have seen companies like Red Bull and Capitol Broadcasting Company use Triofox to provide easy remote access to file servers and keep file servers secure.
So we strongly encourage you to use Triofox and any other resources at your disposal to simplify work from home. For example, Triofox's ability to facilitate remote file server access could be critical for a company that depends on internal file servers. Employees can be encouraged to work from home without the headaches of VPN access or worrying about the time and effort it might take to migrate their workspaces to the cloud. Instead, they have a simple way to keep everything in place and enable remote access from mapped drives that maintain the experience they're used to in the office.
Triofox gives on-premise file server new cloud access & secure file sharing and data protection capabilities while retaining the old security safeguards, permission controls, and data ownership!
The system can be provisioned up and running in as little as an hour without disrupting your existing infrastructure, and we will even do it for you. For other platforms, like Office 365 and SharePoint, migrating to the cloud can take weeks. And for file server-focused operations, cloud migration may not be a viable option for many other reasons.
Gladinet's mission is to enhance data privacy, migration, and access. We strive to make this easy to do, whether you work in an office or remotely. And like many of you, we adapt day in and day out to keep our employees and communities safe and healthy.
If there is anything we can support you with during this time, please reach out to us. Our support team remains fully staffed. Please reach out to us if you would like a demo or consultation about how you can quickly enable shift remote file server access or to get up to speed on Triofox.
As always, the health, safety, and well-being of our customers, associates, and communities is of paramount concern. We will continue to monitor this quickly evolving situation and are available to assist our customers as needed via ticket@triofox.com.
For additional information about COVID-19, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (cdc.gov)
Inherit file server's permission setup right away while data stay in existing location.
Combines NTFS permissions, Active Directory users, and drive mappings with remote access from any device.
Maintains data privacy by providing the option to keep data on-premises in traditional file server shares or private online storage?
Run the Triofox installer on a clean Windows Server, and the installer will install all dependency components. Basic setup and configuration require only a few minutes. A reboot is required after the installation.
Enable Active Directory integration and file server discovery. You can then publish file server network shares to Active Directory users for secure, remote, and mobile access from remote and mobile devices.
You can use the Triofox professional services team for setup, configuration, and training or work directly with one of our authorized partners. We will help you set up the Triofox server to integrate with your IT infrastructure.